Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 3
Fallon NV to Ely NV
We pulled out of Fallon at about 8:30, a little late because one of the couples who was trailering a 1926 Model T had a little problem getting it out of the trailer.  He forgot to move the spare tire out from under it and while backing it out of the trailer, the tire stopped him, so he tried to pull forward back into the trailer to move the tire and when he did the rear tire on the car spun the right  ramp off and put his car on the frame on the trailer.  All the other men ran from the breakfast  room in the hotel and lifted the car up to put it back in the trailer.  I wish I would have had my cell phone or camera with me, but no, they were up in the room. Dang it. It was pretty impressive, about 15 men lifting this car up.  All went well, the car wasn't hurt at all.
Our first stop this morning was at Middlegate Station Restaurant and Bar.  Oh, my!  Mind you, the road between Fallon and Ely was named  "The Loneliest Road in America", by Time Magazine in 1968, and they were not kidding!  I was glad to finally get to that point!  Here are some great pictures.

Next we visited the famous Shoe Tree.  Actually, the original was cut down in 2010, by a man who was upset because his wife met her lover there.  Darn him!!!! But the people have started a new one, and it is quite spectacular
This is what is left of the original shoe tree

                                                              And this is the new one

There is a couple on this tour from California, their names are Scott and Noon, yes that is right, no typo!  When he introduced her to us he said her name was Noon, like as in High Noon!  She is so sweet.  This is a picture of them with their car.

Anyway, she threw 12 pair, or maybe it was 12 shoes, I'm not sure, up in the Shoe Tree!  Wow, I don't think I could part with that many of my own.

We also stopped and saw the Eastgate  Overland Stage Station. It was a Pony Express Stop.

Next we arrived in Austin at the International Café and Bar for Lunch.  I feel so sorry for the waitresses when all 100 or so of us arrive starved!  And they know we are coming, but wow, what a lot of people. 

The next stop was Eureka!!!  There we visited the Court House, which was really neat.  It looked a lot like the court house in Coalville.  A little smaller though.  We also visited the Opera House.  That was smaller than I thought it would be, but I guess it was pretty grand for being built in the late 1880's.  They fed us cookies and punch, and gave us a mug with the Pony Express and a picture of the Lincoln Highway that was near there.

We finally arrived at our Hotel for the evening!  Yeah...it has been a very long day and long drive
We are staying at the Historic hotel Nevada. It was built in 1928 and has somewhat been modernized. Then we went on a train ride and had dinner on the ride. It was a lot of fun.

Today we drove approximately 317 miles and it took about 8 hours with stops.

Tomorrow is a very long drive and we have to leave at 7 sharp.  Get your rest!

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