Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 5
Tooele Utah to Rock Springs Wyo.
Hello fellow travelers!  We left our hotel this morning kind of early so we could get to Salt Lake and pick up our new rental car and return the old one.  It was interesting to transfer all our stuff from one into another.  And I'm here to tell ya, I guess we are no longer in mourning!  Today when we picked up our car, it was WHITE!  I guess we are now in remembrance of the GTO.  Cool huh! We still have the pictures in the back window.  That way everyone on the tour can remember who we are. 
Once we traded cars, we hauled butt to Coalville.  It was really cool to drive down main street and see the red, white and blue balloons welcoming us into town.  Thank you Coalville!  We stopped at the post office to pick up our mail, pay bills, go find our grandkids, kiss and hug them, went to the house unloaded a few things, picked up a few other things, then we headed back on the road.  WOW what a morning!
Our first stop was in Evanston to have lunch at the Roundhouse.  That was so neat.  I had not even heard about it, but in case you're interested, go see it.  It is the place where they brought the train engines , and cars off the train tracks and into this "round" building to do repairs.  We even got to ride the turntable which goes around in a circle to put the dis-abled engine or car on the right track to go into the repair garage.  And of course, I forgot my camera in the car and was too lazy to go back to get it.  But I think I have a friend to get me the pictures!  If so, I'll post them.
They fed us a wonderful lunch and much to our surprise, when we were getting our food, we looked up and there was Margaret Moore Lester.  It was good to see her, and she was so surprised to see us.
After our tour of the Round House, we headed toward Fort Bridger.  And I guess we are slow learners, because we ended up going on the gravel roads!  Imagine doing that again after our day yesterday. 
When we arrived in Fort Bridger, they had just had a ground breaking ceremony for the placement of the LH bridge that was originally used.  Here is a picture that explains it all.

Wow, its kind of small, but if you click on the picture I think it enlarges it so you can read it.

Then we went to see some cabins that were used in the 1930's for the travelers.  They have been very well preserved. 

And for all of you who know how well I love the old "slamming" screen doors......

After we left Fort Bridger, we took the back road to Lyman, instead of the freeway which is actually the old Lincoln Highway.  When we got to the 4 way stop sign, my heart started beating faster and faster, I was within seconds of being to one of my favorite quilt shops.  Yup, Valley Quilt Shop, right down this street....

Vaughn said we didn't have time...WHAT???  No time, are you kidding me?  He was not kidding!

So sadly we took off down the road to Green River, then to Rock Springs to check into our hotel.

Our dinner tonight was on Franklin Street in Green River.  They had blocked off the street and had security there and fed us hamburgers and hot dogs, salad, and water.  They were great hosts, and glad they could do this for us.

We drove about 230 miles and took us about 10 hours including stops.

Our days are going fast and we'll soon be at our half-way point across the country.
We get to sleep in tomorrow, we don't leave til 8!  yeahhhhh

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