Wednesday, June 26, 2013

First of all, I left out a picture from last night's blog.  I certainly hope you appreciate the work I go to when I'm letting you know where you've been! :)  Our hotel last night was very very very small.  Not at all what we have been used to. But what do you expect when the hotel was built in 1928??  Anyway, here is the picture of me trying to blog

There was no desk, and so I had to balance the laptop on my lap (no wonder its called a laptop!) and put the mouse on the dresser, and it doesn't show in the picture, but Vaughn put his suitcase by my left side, and balanced the book of our itinerary on it so I could remember what we had done.  It worked!
Now on to todays highlights.

Day 4
Ely Nevada to Tooele Utah
We were up very early this morning. Breakfast was at 6 am and then we were in our cars and driving at 7.  We met at a rest area to begin our trek through the desert and over 170 miles of gravel road.
At the rest area was a monument for the Pony Express which went through the area and desert.
We formed a caravan so no one would be left behind if they had car problems.  Picture 40 cars strung out over a mile or so.  You could see dust flying as far ahead and behind of you that went on forever.  Our first stop was at Tippet Ghost Ranch.  Here's a few photos.

The bottom picture was of a store that was there.  The buildings were very sad and tired looking.  Oh the stories they could tell.

Our next stop was at the JP General Store.  There we met Justin Parker (JP) and I think it was his father.  They ran a cute little store where they also lived.  We were able to look around and take pictures.

This is a picture of a Lincoln Highway marker that was hanging on the wall inside.  Notice it also mentions the Tippets Ranch.

Our next stop was at the Anderson Ranch/Willow Springs Pony Express Station in Callao, Utah.  They fed us under the trees in their yard, and we had barbecue beef sandwiches, salad and fruit.  Then they brought out the ice cream.  They were a very nice couple who made us feel very welcome.

The above picture is of the pony express station that was built about 1850. It was first used as a stage stop.  There was so many period antiques there that was used in the building during those times. 

Then we briefly stopped at the Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge in Fish Springs Utah.  We were told about a man who had a business there and he wasn't very nice.  He rigged a mud hole in the road, and then would pull people out who got stuck, charged them $10. One man was upset about the charge and the business man had trained his horses to put the car back in the mud. When that happened the man who was stuck had him pull him out again, then was charged $30. Ten for pulling him out, ten for putting him back, then ten for pulling him back again.  He had quite a business going!

Our last stop was another Pony Express Station at Simpson Springs.  They had reconstructed a building that was the same as the one that had been there..

After that, we all headed back to civilization.  Wow it was a long day in the desert.  This is what a car looks like after 170 miles of dirt

Actually it looks worse in real life!  We missed a few stops that were scheduled because it took so long for all the cars to make it on this road.  The little yellow car from yesterdays blog had to be put on the  roll back car carrier who follows us everyday, because it lost its fuel pump, one car had a blowout, and a few of the older ones overheated.  The rest of the cars, about 30, went on an alternate route, over regular roads.  They are the smart people???
We arrived late for dinner which was at the Miller Motorsports Park. We were so tired, but the food was wonderful.  Then off to check in at our hotels. 

Tomorrow we travel through our home town of Coalville!!!! All you people in Coalville be out on Main Street about 9:30 - 10:30 to watch some pretty neat cars roll through.  Cheer us on!!!!!

Today we traveled about 270 miles (170 miles of dirt)  in more hours than I care to think about!

See ya tomorrow

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